Wintertime is vegetable season - a high on chicory
25. January 2018
Chicory can be enjoyed raw, just as well as cooked. The way of preparation differs in the many different regions where it is eaten - in Germany it is usually eaten in salads. Related to Cicorino and Radicchio, the chicory is said to have healing powers according to the ancient Romans and Greeks. At that time hardly to eat because of the too strong bitter substances, is much easier to enjoy today.
Would you have known? The chicory is the Belgian national vegetable. Here are some interesting food facts about chicory:
- Chicoree has few calories
- Rich in valuable minerals and vitamins
- Helps digestion
- Reduces heart disease
- cancer prevention
- Reduces arthritis pain
- Promotes weight loss
- Strengthens the immune system
- Reduces anxiety states
- Promotes kidney health
The following dishes are heart-warming:
Picked out dish of Oliveto in Bonn:
Tonno arrosto con caperi frittate, olive e indive belga brasato
Fried tuna with fried capers, olives and stewed chicory
Picked out dish of Villa Leonhardi in Frankfurt am Main:
Poached turbot fillet in orange juice braised chicory and gnocchi
Recommended restaurants:
The restaurant Oliveto has a new, fresh and innovative gastronomy. The head chef Alexander Stadler who has been awarded several times, cooks the... » More information
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